Version 19.06 is now available for DOWNLOAD!
This version makes a big change to the way project files are saved. Now, they always save numeric values using a period for the decimal point regardless of your OS locale (region/language) setting. This makes it possible to collaborate with others that have a different decimal point setting without going through a (probably incomplete) repair process. This should also help to avoid bugs. This change applies to new projects only; old projects load and run same as before including saving. However, be aware that if your locale does not use a period for the decimal point, then older versions of Shotcut will try to repair a project created with this version because the older versions do not have this new capability.
We changed the Timeline and Keyframes rulers interval to 5 seconds and show only HH:MM:SS and no frame units. This makes them cleaner and quicker to read.
In the previous versions of Shotcut the Blur video filter could create dark edges on the image. Therefore, 3 new blur filters were added that do not have this problem:
However, they do not support Keyframes or support blurring in only a horizontal or vertical direction. So, the existing blur filter was retained but renamed Blur: Box.
The previous version changed the appearance of the toolbar to address a high density (DPI) issue on Linux. However, that made the icons larger for most people. Also, some people would simply hide the main toolbar since it took up so much space. Now, there are two new options in the View menu:
Shotcut can use HTML technologies for video effects, but previously it was limited at support the existing image or video’s alpha channel (transparency mask) and would always overwrite it with its own alpha channel, which often times was opaque. For example, this prevented maintaining transparency when using 3D text on a transparent color clip. Now, it supports the alpha channel. Using this, we have new Crop video filters.
Previous versions of Shotcut’s Crop filter did not behave as some expected because it removes pixels from the edges of the source and thus changes its aspect ratio. Still, it can be useful when working with sources with a higher resolution than the project because it does not require one to crop and then upscale to remove black bars. Therefore, the existing crop filter was renamed to Crop: Source, and two new crop filters were added using HTML.
These two new crop filters can use the HTML alpha channel support by changing the alpha component of their Color parameter. This is very useful when using Crop: Rectangle or Crop: Circle while compositing video tracks.